Did you know The Link now offers Family and Friends Supports for Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug topics?
23 December 2024
Parents, friends and carers of young people using alcohol, tobacco and other drugs can join us in 2025 to learn how to advocate for the wellbeing of themselves and their loved ones, have questions answered and seek further support.
These information and support sessions will run from February-June 2025 on the fourth Monday (10am) and the first Thursday (5pm) of the month.
To register your interest or receive more information you can call 6231 2927 and ask for Gayle or Marine or email hello@thelink.org.au.

New DBT Group Programs at The Link
23 December 2024
The Link will be offering a new Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) Informed Group Program in March 2025. These groups are for young people (17-25) experiencing challenges related to alcohol, tobacco and other drugs and are designed to empower young people with the skills needed to lead healthier lives and cope effectively with life stressors.
You can find out more about the program here or call 6231 2927 and ask for Gayle or Marine. To make a referral please complete our ATOD Referral Form.

Donated Defibrillators saving young lives
04 November 2022
Young people aged 12 – 25 years have access to life-saving defibrillators (sometimes called a ‘defib’, or AED (automated external defibrillator)) thanks to a corporate partnership between Xsquared Architects and The Link Youth Health Service (The Link) and headspace Hobart.
With Xsquared Architects’ support young service users at The Link and headspace Hobart now have access to these life saving devices. Early access to defibrillation is critical. When someone suffers a cardiac arrest, blood is no longer being pumped around their body. With each passing minute the probability of survival declines up to ten per cent.
CEO of The Link Miranda Ashby said the AEDs are extremely important due to the number of young people who attend our services. headspace Hobart has delivered 51,000 occasions of service to more than 8000 local young people since 2012.
“Link and headspace Hobart staff have received training on use of the defib’s and are ready to save a life if they have a cardiac arrest. The sooner you use a defibrillator, the greater the person's chances of survival in the first few minutes whilst the ambulance is coming.”
Xsquared Architects’ Directors Peter Scott and Alex Newman said “we are proud not only to support young people at The Link and headspace Hobart, but also to provide valuable life saving devices for the general public to access through Ambulance Tasmania’s AED Register.”
“If just one life is saved, either through the defibs or the vital services provided by The Link and headspace Hobart, then our partnership has succeeded” added Mr Scott.
We encourage any young person, family or friends in need of support or consultation t o visit their local headspace centre. Support is also available via phone and online counselling service eheadspace seven days a week between 9am–1am (AEST). The number is 1800 650 890.
If you’re looking for someone to talk to immediately, Lifeline (13 11 14) and Kids Helpline (1800 55 1800) are available to talk 24/7.

Site Visit with Xsquared
We recently had a special visit from Xsquared Architects who are The Link's new corporate partner for FY 23! (so exciting, that we had to share)
Peter Scott and Alex Newman (Directors of Xsquared) and Janine Holt (Practice Manager of Xsquared) were shown through our services including headspace Hobart.

Designing & Constructing Exciting News
The Link Youth Health Service and our headspace Hobart program are proud to announce we have the support of Xsquared Architects as our Corporate Partner. <3

The Link Youth Health Service - COVID Packs
The Youth Health Fund Program has begun distributing COVID SAFETY KITS for at-risk youth between the ages of 12-24.
These kits provide basic goods to help young Tasmanians be prepared to keep themselves and others safe when COVID hits.
Check out the article from Saturday's Mercury below.

Thank you MyState
Thanks to the MyState Grant, The Link is now running the Eat Well cooking program for young people. aged 12-25! Over a series of weeks, cooking classes will cover nutrition, cooking on a budget, food prep skills, hygiene and safety and creative flair in the kitchen. The Program will provide a fun social space and plenty of delicious food!
Dishwasher at The Link!

Huge Thank you to MyState Foundation grant for our new dishwasher at the Link Youth Health Service!